Carlam App

Did you know you can easily access our website like an app on your phone or tablet? Although there isn’t a physical app, you can make it feel like one by adding it to your device’s home screen. Here’s how:

    For iPhone and iPad (iOS):

      1. Open Safari and navigate to
      2. Tap the “Share” button at the bottom of the screen.
      3. Scroll down and select “Add to Home Screen”.
      4. Optionally, give the app the name “Carlam”, then tap “Add”.

      That’s it! Now you’ll see our website’s icon on your home screen, ready to use just like any other app.

      For Android Devices:

      1. Open Chrome and go to
      2. Tap the three-dot menu at the top right corner.
      3. Choose “Add to Home screen” from the options.
      4. If desired, rename the app to Carlam, then tap “Add”.

      That’s it! Now you’ll see our website’s icon on your home screen, ready to use just like any other app.